
New to Interviewing Technical Talent? – Here’s how to Nail it like a PRO

Published on: May 19, 2024
Updated on: May 19, 2024

5 min Read

New to Interviewing Technical Talent? – Here’s how to Nail it like a PRO

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In today’s job market, companies must attract skilled technical professionals to thrive. Hiring professional technical interviews is one of the most efficient and effective ways to do that. With the help of the skills that these technical interviewees possess, organizations can rest assured that the final talent they’ll land behind the desk will be worth investing their time and efforts into. 

Through this blog, you’ll discover how cutting-edge technology interview tools are transforming the hiring process giving HR experts, Talent Acquisition managers, and hiring managers the ability to select and bring on board the candidates efficiently. 

Traits of a PRO Technical Interviewer

Being a technical interviewer is not what everyday people think it is. Technical interviewing has more to it than finding candidates, going through their CVs, and passing on offer letters. As the name suggests, the people and panel interviewing for technical positions should have a basic knowledge of the field. In addition to having technical knowledge, they should also have good soft skills. Since interviewers go through mounts of applications every day and meet tens of applicants, they must possess qualities like being empathetic, open-minded, and persistent.

Traits of a PRO Technical Interviewer

Here are some of the basic traits that a technical interviewer must have, be it inside an organization or an online technical interview platform:-

1. Up-to-date Industry Knowledge
The IT industry keeps evolving every day leading its core following of engineers and technology experts to keep up with the information changed or retained. Being a technical interviewer, one has to be up-to-date on all the related information so that one can question the available candidates in the talent pool and not overlook the up-and-coming talents in the field. 

2. Technical Communication
In order to interview a candidate, be it in person or through an online technical interviewing platform, the interviewer needs to know how to thread the technical jargon together to make it sound tough yet comfortable for the candidate to answer. Technical communication is a core trait that an interviewer and interviewee connect on, on an intellectual level, and helps them ease into the process.

Technical Communication

3. Field Experience and Building Relationships
Being up-to-date on industry knowledge and knowing how to communicate in the technical jargon are good enough for technical interviewers to connect with the applicants but what really sets the cherry on top is having field experience. Imagine sitting down for an interview and the next thing you get to know is that your interviewer has worked in the same sector as you did! That just makes things a lot better already.

Field Experience and Building Relationships

Making the candidate feel comfortable is just as important as making them feel worthy of the position. Reviewing a candidate’s CV is a way of acknowledging their qualifications and the amount of time they’ve spent in the field but connecting with them on a personal level, be it having worked in the same sector, under the same roof, under the same manager or something like that… trust me, it helps!  

4.Be Patient

“Patience is a virtue” – William Langland

It is easy to forget how patience is a key component to any successful venture. As a technical interviewer, one must not forget that keeping patience or losing it decides if the future will be secure or ruined. Having to find a technical talent because you have a deadline or holding out on finding the right talent despite the deadline makes all the difference.

Questions you might want to ask as an HR manager/ Hiring Expert

There are hiring experts inside an organization who make hiring choices for all departments, however, there are also hiring experts like InterviewVector who are on the payroll of bigger organizations to use their talent and create panels to ask just the right questions to the candidates that might rise their company to the next level with their technical talent.

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions by an interviewer to an interviewee:-  

1. Tell us about your dream job
While answering this question, the level of excitement in the candidate will show if he is sincere about the places and positions that he is working on. Surely there is no right or wrong answer to this question but it will help acknowledge if the candidate will be approaching his work as just an odd job or a job where he will gather much experience to move forward in life.

2. What was your latest failure as a technical engineer and how did you work through it?
Though not all people are the same, the answer to this question will lead the interviewers to ensure if the candidate is confident about their work or not and if they are sincere enough to accept and learn from their mistakes.

3.What kind of projects have you worked on till now?
This question will help determine how much of the candidate’s past work experience will be helpful in their future projects. It will also help deduce if the candidate is good enough to be hired for the position they are interviewing for currently or should they be put on hold for an upcoming technical position. 

4. What does your priority list look like when working on a brand-new project?
While answering this question, the level of excitement in the candidate will show if he is sincere about the places and positions that he is working on. Surely there is no right or wrong answer to this question but it will help acknowledge if the candidate will be approaching his work as just an odd job or a job where he will gather much experience to move forward in life.

5. How do you stay up-to-date on the advancements in the technical sector?
This answer will show the interviewers the candidates’ awareness prowess for the field that they work in, and also the vastness of their network and connections.

6. How would you describe yourself as a co-worker?
This question will let the interviewers into, both, the analytical and emotional, sides of the candidates’ personalities. It will show if the candidate is a solo runner or a team player and also if they could be a team leader when needed.  

7. Do you prefer On-site work or Remote or Hybrid?
This is just a simple question, an alternative to a survey poll. Answers to this question often make it easier for organizations to learn and keep up with the working trends in the job seeker markets.

Do you prefer On-site work or Remote or Hybrid?

Questions that a Candidate might ask from the HR manager/ Hiring Expert 

Questions that a Candidate might ask from the HR manager/ Hiring Expert 

There are a lot of questions that even the candidates ask the Hiring Managers about the job positions that they are interviewing for.

Here are some of those questions:-

1. What does the management hierarchy look like in this organization?
Answer this question in a straight-forward manner and take the candidate through all levels of management, especially around the level where it tells whom will they be reporting to and who is it that they can ask for help or assistance if & when required.

2. Please tell me about the company culture/ environment.
Here, fill in the candidate about the work hours of the organization. Tell them about the various holidays that are celebrated at the office and how. Tell them about the townhall meetings and what policies do the company absolutely stand by and which ones can they be a little lenient about.

3. What are the employee motivation techniques preferred and used in the organization?
Make sure that the candidate is aware about any sort of gifts or goodies that are presented to the employees throughout the year for special occasions, whatever they may be. Let the candidate know about special appraisals (in addition to the annual appraisals) for a job well done. 

4. What are the company’s professional/ work goals for the next 5 years?
Lay down the company roadmap of how they started gaining attention in the sector and how they plan on keeping doing so in the future by getting more investments. You can also let the candidates know about any current project that the organization has been working on (that is allowed to be made public) to keep the curiosity alive.

5. What are the company’s personal/ employee goals for the next 5 years?
You can tell the candidate if the organization is planning on acquiring a bigger office building since they are hiring or planning on hiring more talented individuals to add to the team as they are growing as a corporation. You can also let them know if there are any trips planned for the employees as a gift from corporate for reaching a milestone.

6. What has the company’s track record been like with layoffs?
In the current economy, it is inevitable for a larger corporation to host layoffs, but laying it down softly might just help. 

7. Will I be working as a solo employee or as part of a team?
This answer will ensure the candidate if their personality needs some polishing or not, be it an introvert person or an extrovert.

8. What will my everyday responsibilities be like?
Tell the candidate about if they’ll have to report to a manager every day or on a weekly basis. Tell them if they will have to talk to clients or just meet up with members of other departments to catch up on the project/ task-related information. Knowledge like this will ensure the candidate if the job is going to be overwhelming or a great opportunity they’ve been waiting for.

9. Is my role task-based or project-based?
This question is mostly asked if the candidate is interviewing for a contractual job. 


In summary, the strategic significance of interviews and modern tech interview platforms is crucial, in today’s job market. HR professionals hiring managers and talent acquisition experts have a role in shaping the hiring process and driving growth. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies and approaches businesses can enhance their recruitment strategies, pinpoint talent, and stay ahead in the industry competition. As technology advances the future of recruiting appears to be dynamic and revolutionary with tech interview platforms leading the charge toward excellence, in recruitment and success in the era.


  • How many times can a candidate interview for a position in the same company?

    Though it differs from company to company, a candidate should ideally be allowed to interview 3 times for the same position in the same company annually.

  • What is the OCEAN Personality test?

    The OCEAN personality assessment is a tool that stands for Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. It is commonly used by employers to gain insights, into job candidates before making hiring decisions. These insights play a role in selecting the suitable candidate, for the job position.

  • What is the STAR interviewing method?

    The STAR technique is an approach, to addressing a behavior-focused interview query where you talk about the scenario, task, action, and outcome of the situation you’re explaining.

    The STAR Method


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